Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry - The Office for Business Sustainable Development (SDforB) is seeking for a Service provider to carry out an assessment on “Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Children’s Rights in Viet Nam” for the Project “Promotion of Children’s Rights and Business Principles among Enterprises in Vietnam (CRBP Project) and Work No Child’s Business Project (WNCB Project)”.

Please refer to the attached TOR for more information.
Interested institutions/organizations are invited to submit their proposals to before 25 February 2021, using the subject line “Application for an Assessment of SMEs””. The proposal should include: 
  • Technical proposal: ➢ Tender profile and relevant project’s datasheets ➢ Understandings of the service ➢ Detailed methodology and approach to the service ➢ Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) of all survey team ➢ Workplan and staffing plan 
  • Financial proposal: Detail budget break down including consultation fee, travel expenses and other expenses which used for the assignment.