Project activities Information

The Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), in collaboration with UNICEF Viet Nam and their knowledge partner - The Centre for Child Rights and Business (The Centre), is organising a free face-to-face training programme on young workers for enterprises in Viet Nam. The training is within the framework of the project on Promoting Children's Rights and Business Principles for enterprises in Viet Nam (CRBP project, period 2022-2026).
The face-to-face training programme are organised to strengthen the knowledge, capacity and commitment of enterprises with high impact on children and focus on the following 3 topics:
Topic 1: Child Labour Prevention and Remediation
Topic 2: Young Worker Protection
Topic 3: Skill Development for Young Workers
Interested enterprises are invited to participate in all 3 topics and participating enterprises are expected to have high commitment to develop their own action plan after the training. Each enterprise is invited to nominate two (2) eligible representatives to participate in the training program. Participants will be provided with Certificates after fully participating in the training programme.

In addition, VCCI, UNICEF and The Centre will be co-organising two online webinars to launch the training programme, to provide more details of the training programme to make sure enterprises understand the training layout and the benefits of the training programme to their business before committing and enrolling into the face-to-face training programme. It is expected that invited enterprises of the 3 targeted sectors will participate in their respective webinar in order to enroll 2 staff to participate in the face-to-face training programme during July 2022 in Hanoi.
Tentative webinar details
Duration: 1.5 hours
Location: A Zoom link to be shared with registered participants
Target audience: Enterprises from 3 targeted sectors (apparel & footwears, tourism, and ICT)
Time & Date: Two separate webinar sessions for two groups of industries:
Session 1: 15:00-16:30 - Tuesday June 28, 2022 - For Apparel & Footwear suppliers.
Session 2: 15:00-16:30 - Thursday June 30, 2022 - For Tourism & ICT enterprises.
Ms. Doan Thi Ngoc Hoang - Mobile: 0972081180/email:
Ms. Dinh Thi Bich Xuan - Mobile: 0988176878/email: