Project activities Information

Under the UNICEF funded project “Promoting Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) among Enterprises in Vietnam”, in the afternoon 19 of August 2019, the Vietnam Chambers of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) organized a “Biannual Consultation meeting on priority work plan actions”.
Venue: Meeting room No.2, 7th Floor, VCCI building, No. 9 Dao Duy Anh street, Dong Da, Hanoi
Time and Date: 13.30 – 17.30 on 19 August 2019 
The objective of this consultation is to share the results of the activities conducted under the CRBP project and introduce key upcoming activities to related stakeholders, businesses and partners. Key upcoming activities include:
  • A mapping and capacity assessment to identify the training institutions/organizations best placed to build capacity of businesses on CRBP.
  • A market assessment and analysis to identify desired skills for employability and existing good practice by businesses on promoting  skills for employability and develop recommendations for upskilling marginalized and vulnerable adolescents.
  • Mapping and capacity assessment of relevant Government ministries, elected bodies and other key business stakeholders in relation to General Comment no. 16  by the Committee on the Rights of the Child on children’s rights and business.
The event saw the participation of representatives from VCCI, UNICEF Vietnam, relevant organizations and businesses, such as Institute of Human Rights, Ho Chi Minh Academy of Politics, Save the Children, CCR CSR, International Labor Organization - ILO, CDI, VITAS, the Bureau for Employer’s activities in Vietnam (BEA/VCCI), Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD). The consultation served as a platform for participating organizations to provide their feedback on upcoming activities and share their organization’s activities/programs to explore future collaboration.

If you are interested in our future events, please stay up to date with our Facebook page CRBP - Quyền trẻ em và các Nguyên tắc Kinh doanh.