- Project name: Promotion of Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) among Enterprises in Vietnam (CRBP project)
- Name of the UN Agency supporting the project: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- Name of the Line Agency – National Partner: Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)
- Project Onwer – National Implementing Partner: The Office for Business Sustainable Development (SDforB), VCCI
- Name of Co-implementing Partner: Vietnamese Institute of Human Rights, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
- Project duration:
- Period 1: 2019 - 2021
- Period 2: 2022 - 2026
The Project on Promotion of Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) among Enterprises in Viet Nam (hereafter called CRBP Project) is developed by SDforB/VCCI to strengthen the knowledge, capacity and commitment of businesses with high impact on children (with a focus on the footwear and apparel, information, communication and technology, travel and tourism industries) and to respect and support children’s rights as outlined in the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP). The project will further strengthen multi-stakeholder engagement with relevant government ministries, elected bodies, academic and training institutions to create an enabling environment for businesses to respect and support children’s rights realization in Viet Nam.
The CRBP project aims to support strengthening and implementing government policies and initiatives, including promoting good practices demonstrating the implementation of the CRBP and its integration in to the business community in Viet Nam. UNICEF’s practical guide on the implementation of General Comment 16 will serve as a resource to raise awareness and advocate with the relevant Government ministries and elected bodies on State’s obligation and actions on child rights and business, which can range from legislative, policy, remediation measures to coordination, collaboration and awareness raising interventions. UNICEF’s tools for businesses on policies and code of conduct, impact assessments, sustainability reporting and industry specific tools for businesses will be utilized to guide the enterprises. It is expected to advance business competitiveness and integrate children’s rights as one of the factors in benchmarking sustainable business and/or in sustainability reporting.
The CRB Project specifically aims to integrate children rights into the VCCI/SDforB initiatives to promote responsible and sustainable business practices and business sector’s contribution towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Viet Nam. This project, therefore, will facilitate VCCI’s role in achieving Objectives 12.6 and 16.5 of the NAP on SDGs.
In addition, the project aims to enhance close cooperation among VCCI, UNICEF, business networks such as the Global Compact Network Viet Nam and VBCSD, International Business Associations in Viet Nam, relevant industry associations and relevant ministries, agencies, provinces and social organisations in addressing children’s rights and business. The project, will also enhance the role of VCCI and SDforB in promoting and monitoring the implementation of Children’s Rights and Business Principles among the business sector in Viet Nam, resulting in increased business contribution to achieving the SDGs.