Project activities Information

HA NOI, VIETNAM, 11 December 2019 – Human Rights Institute, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and UNICEF launched today a Practical Guide for the Government on how to implement the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment No.16 (GC16), which outlines the State obligations regarding the impact of the business sector on children's rights.
The guide provides practical advice on how governments can make sure that all business activity respects children's rights through laws, policies, research, monitoring, awareness raising, and remedies. It highlights notable national, regional and international practices, and includes expert recommendations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

 Mr. Tuong Duy Kien, Director of Human Rights Institute, Ho Chi Minh Political Academy; Ms. Rana Flowers, Representative, UNICEF Viet Nam and Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh, VCCI Secretary General
More than seventy policy makers, representatives of the relevant Government ministries, organizations and business leaders attended the event and discussed both the negative and positive impacts of business operations on children, as well as the key practical strategies and tools to regulate and influence business.
As part of our celebrations of International Human Rights Day, it is important that we discuss children’s rights as children are vulnerable and need special protection and support as outlined in the Convention of the Rights of the Child”, noted Mr. Tuong Duy Kien, Director of Human Rights Institute, Ho Chi Minh Political Academy.
Mr. Tuong Duy Kien, Director of Human Rights Institute, Ho Chi Minh Political Academy

Governments have obligations to respect, support and fulfil children's rights in the context of business operations, by taking active steps and supporting businesses to do the same.

“Evidence tells us – overwhelmingly - that the economic success of countries in the future will depend on the extent to which they put children at the heart of human capital development. That means investment in children, in services for children, and in environments fit for children. And it means that we have to leverage the strengths of all stakeholders, including business and civil society, and find new ways of working together to accelerate progress for children”, said Ms. Rana Flowers, Representative, UNICEF Viet Nam.
Ms. Rana Flowers, Representative, UNICEF Viet Nam 

This launch event of GC16 is part of the collaboration project between UNICEF Vietnam VCCI and HRI on promoting Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) among Enterprises in Viet Nam.
VCCI is working with UNICEF and partners to strengthen the awareness and capacity of enterprises to respect children’s rights as outlined in the existing legislations and the international guidance - the Children’s Rights and Business Principles. The event today highlights the importance of public-private collaboration to support and fulfil children’s rights”, Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh, VCCI Secretary General said.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh, VCCI Secretary General 

A panel discussion on “Children’s Rights and Business” covered several main themes,  from protection of children in the informal economy, protection and promotion of children’s rights in the digital world, and child safe travel and tourism, to sharing the key findings of a survey on child rights in the workplace.
For more information and regular updates of the project, please follow our Facebook page at CRBP - Quyền trẻ em và các Nguyên tắc Kinh doanh.
Read more on 10 Business Principles at

Download the Practical Guide on GC 16 at: