The assessment on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Children’s Rights is produced under the “Promotion of Children’s Rights and Business Principles among Enterprises in Viet Nam” (CRBP which is implemented by the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), with support from UNICEF. The assessment was carried out by the research team from Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN). The assessment aims to provide the CRBP project with information on the current status of SMEs in the national economic situation, the main children’s right related issues, understanding of existing good practices applied by businesses to engage, support and commit to promoting the CRBP. Another important aspect of the assessment is to analyze the obstacles faced by SMEs to promote CRBP to meet both national and international sustainable requirements. The assessment focuses on SMEs in the Footwear and Apparel, Travel and Tourism industries and their supply chains.
Download the report at this LINK.
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