COVID-19 is not only a health crisis, it is a social and economic crisis. Putting children in the centre of the response and recovery through family-friendly policies, is critical. The 'Family-friendly policies: Handbook for business' offers guidance, ideas and suggestions for businesses that seek to develop an inclusive family-oriented business culture while enhancing workforce productivity and retention rates. The process of establishing family-friendly policies is a long-term commitment that requires meaningful and ongoing engagement with workers and management to understand needs and potential gaps, leading to continuous amendments and improvements. This handbook is designed to help companies make this happen.

The ideas and recommendations found in the handbook draw on UNICEF’s evolving experience across Asia and the Pacific, including the pilot programmes in Bangladesh and Viet Nam to promote family-friendly policies and practices in factory settings. We hope the handbook will help establish a solid foundation for increased uptake in family-friendly programmes across the region and beyond.

Download the handbook HERE.
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