We are looking for an excellent service provider to carry out a mapping and capacity assessment to identify the training institutions/organizations best placed to raise awareness and build capacity of businesses on children's rights and business principles.


The objective of the assignment is to map and analyze the capacity of key identified institutions/organizations and make recommendations for engagement with selected institutions/organizations to raise awareness and build capacity of businesses (Multinationals, Vietnamese owned – private & State, SMEs) on CRBP.

How to apply

Interested individual experts or institutions are invite to submit your Proposals to thaolm@vcci.com.vn before 10th September 2019, using the subject line “Application for A mapping and capacity assessment to identify the best training institution for training business on CRBP”, including technical and financial proposal.

For further details on the scope of work, timeframe, requirements and how to apply, please check here for the TOR for this service.