The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), representing the Vietnamese business community, has been actively engaging in effective business support activities in recent years. Particularly, in recent years, the Party and the Government have entrusted VCCI with the task of promoting the realization of the United Nations' sustainable development goals within the business community. UNICEF, an international organization at the forefront of promoting, protecting, and respecting children's rights in 190 countries, including Vietnam, has played a key role in this collaboration. 
With the desire to enhance the effectiveness of activities supporting children and collaboratively realize the sustainable development goals of the United Nations while promoting a business community that respects children's rights, VCCI and UNICEF have been jointly implementing the Project to Promote Children's Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) in Vietnam from 2019 to the present. The project aims to enhance the knowledge, capabilities, and commitment of businesses with significant impact on children to respect and support Children's Rights as outlined in the "Children's Rights and Business Principles" (CRBP).
Over the two phases of the project (Phase 1 from 2019-2021 and Phase 2 from 2022 to the present), VCCI and UNICEF have coordinated a series of activities. These include impact assessment and enforcement of Children's Rights and Business Principles at enterprises, raising awareness of the importance of children's rights within the business community, providing training to enhance skills for young workers, conducting workshops, improving skills, and sharing experiences for businesses to successfully apply children's rights to business principles. In reality, a diverse range of beneficiaries has emerged from the project's activities, including businesses, business associations operating in various sectors, young workers, children living in different regions, government agencies, as well as individuals and organizations with an interest in understanding and promoting children's rights in Vietnam.
With their roles and extensive network of activities, both VCCI and UNICEF have carried out project activities very successfully, with many key highlights, achieving effectiveness and widespread impact. These efforts have received high praise from partner organizations and participants in various activities. Some notable results include the strengthening of commitments from businesses to comply with children's rights and business principles in their policies and business practices, especially in their supply chains; documentation and widespread sharing of exemplary business practices, experiences, and knowledge for application; influence on regulations and standards within business associations through advocating for the implementation of children's rights and business programs.

The above results have had positive impacts on the business community, making a significant contribution to changing perspectives and awareness regarding the importance of children's rights for the development and competitive capacity of businesses in all fields and industries. Additionally, the project has synthesized and improved many expert contributions to be sent to relevant state management agencies, contributing to the improvement of mechanisms and policies for protecting and respecting children's rights in Vietnam.

With the successes achieved and those anticipated in the framework of the CRBP project, VCCI and UNICEF are aiming to build much larger-scale cooperation programs involving technology, human resources, and finances. This aims to enhance the impact on a broader range of beneficiaries, increasing the number of those who benefit. With the shared goal of working together for a brighter future for the young generation of Vietnam, VCCI and UNICEF will continue to collaborate, sharing and implementing ideas to promote, protect, and respect children's rights nationwide.